File:NP-DunesTexelKaart.jpg File:De_Slufter_Texel.jpg File:Ecomare_-_vogelvitrine_(vogelvitrine-nationaal-parkzaal-014-sd).jpg File:Duinen_van_Texel2.jpg File:Slufter2.jpg File:Texel-Alte_Dünen.jpg File:Texel-Sanddorn.jpg File:Muy_vegetatie.jpg File:De-Slufter-Texel-2020-Luka-Peternel.jpg File:Duinen_van_Texel.JPG File:Duinen_van_Texel,_29_september_2012.jpg File:Duinen_van_Texel5.jpg File:Duinen_van_Texel4.jpg File:Duinen_op_Texel.jpg File:Texel_dunes_near_Den_Hoorn.jpg File:Texel_De_Slufter.jpg File:Slufter_Texel24okt2008.JPG
Source: Wikipedia

Duinen van Texel National Park (Nationaal Park Duinen van Texel)

Duinen van Texel National Park (duinen = dunes) is a national park located on the North Holland island of Texel in the Netherlands. All dune systems on the western side of the island and the large coastal plains on both the northern and southern points of the island are part of the park. The park covers approximately 43 km2 (17 sq mi) and attained national park status in 2002. The visitor center is located in the natural history museum Ecomare.
In 1927 botanist Jac. P. Thijsse made an illustrated book about the flora and fauna on the island, and pointed out the major environmental values of the island. This book was one of a series, the book was sold very cheaply, and the pictures for the book came free with each Verkade chocolate bar.There are many walking trails which follow either red, yellow, blue or green signs
The green routes are not accessible during the bird breeding season. Many bicycle trails cross the park as well.

  1. 1 Areas
    1. 1.1 De Hors
    2. 1.2 De Geul
    3. 1.3 De Bollekamer
    4. 1.4 De Muy
    5. 1.5 De Slufter
  2. 2 Fauna
    1. 2.1 Birds
    2. 2.2 Mammals
  3. 3 References
  4. 4 External links


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Duinen van Texel National Park

➴ Coordinates: 53° 4‘ N, 4° 44‘ E
12. März 2025
N/A °
N/A k/h
N/A km