File:Parque_Nacional_da_Peneda-Gerês.jpg File:Nationalpark_Peneda-Gerês-Rio_Caldo.jpg File:Terrassenanbau.JPG File:Geres1.jpg File:Garranos.jpg File:Geres2.jpg File:Chioglossa_lusitanica.JPG File:Cao_de_castro_laboreiro.jpg File:Der_Trilho_da_Preguiça_gehört_zu_den_schönsten_Wanderwegen_des_Nationalparks_-_auch_wegen_seiner_Aussichtspunkte..jpg File:Casa_em_Vilarinho_das_Furnas.JPG File:Ponte_sobre_o_Rio_Arado.jpg File:Christian_cross_and_roman_miliaria_-_Valença,_Portugal.jpg File:Castro_Laboreiro-1.JPG File:Senhora_da_Peneda.jpg File:Serra_Amarela_(3998067385)_(2).jpg File:PNA_Penedes-Geres.png File:Anta_do_Mezio.jpg File:DSC_0513_a.jpg File:Marco_Miliário.jpg
Source: Wikipedia

Peneda-Gerês National Park (Parque Nacional da Peneda-Gerês)

The Peneda-Gerês National Park (Portuguese: Parque Nacional da Peneda-Gerês, Portuguese pronunciation: [ˈpaɾkɨ nɐsjuˈnaɫ ðɐ pɨˈneðɐ ʒɨˈɾeʃ]), also known simply as Gerês, is the oldest protected area and the only national park in Portugal and is located in the Viana do Castelo, Braga, and Vila Real Districts.
It was created on 8 May 1971 due to its national and international scientific interest, with the aim to protect the soil, water, flora, fauna, and landscape, while preserving its value to the existent human and natural resources. Education and tourism are also goals of the park.

  1. 1 History
  2. 2 Geography
    1. 2.1 Physical geography
    2. 2.2 Climate
    3. 2.3 Biome
      1. 2.3.1 Flora
      2. 2.3.2 Fauna
    4. 2.4 Ecoregions, zoning and management plan
    5. 2.5 Human geography
  3. 3 Research
  4. 4 Economy
  5. 5 Barroso Agro-sylvo-pastoral System
  6. 6 Tourism
  7. 7 References
    1. 7.1 Notes
    2. 7.2 Sources


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Peneda-Gerês National Park

➴ Coordinates: 41° 50‘ N, 8° 14‘ W
14. März 2025
N/A °
N/A k/h
N/A km