File:Conguillio_llaima.jpg File:Looking_out_over_Lago_Conguillio.jpg File:Zorrito_Chile.JPG File:Pudupuda_male_Lliuco_Jan05_2-PhotoJimenez.JPG File:Parque_Nacional_Conguillio_001.jpg File:Laguna_Verde_National_Park_Conguillio.jpg File:Araucaria_in_Conguillio.JPG File:Woody_entre_araucarias_milenarias.jpg File:Among_the_red_autumn_forest.jpg File:Rainbow_Lagoon.jpg File:Conquillío.jpg File:IMG_6492_monkey_puzzle.JPG File:Araucaria_araucana,_Volcan_Llaima.jpg File:Monkey-Puzzle_Tree_on_the_slopes_of_Volcan_Llaima.jpg File:Conguillio_National_Park.jpg File:Lago_Conguillio.jpg File:Araucaria_araucana_-_Parque_Nacional_Conguillío_por_lautaroj_-_002.jpg File:Cuernos_del_Paine_from_Lake_Pehoé.jpg
Source: Wikipedia

Conguillío National Park (Parque nacional Conguillío)

Conguillío National Park is located in the Andes, in the provinces of Cautín and Malleco, in the Araucanía Region of Chile also known as Region IX. Its name derives from the Mapuche word for "water with Araucaria seeds".
Among the attractions in the park are the Llaima volcano, Sierra Nevada and wild landscapes characterized by islands of vegetation completely surrounded by vast areas of lava flows.
Extensive forests, formed mainly by Araucarias and Nothofagus species, and small lakes increase the scenic beauty of the park.
It is also known as Los Paraguas (The Umbrellas), due to the shape of the Monkey Puzzle trees.
The park was used as a filming location for Walking with Dinosaurs, a television series produced by the BBC.

  1. 1 History
  2. 2 Vehicle accesses
  3. 3 Rivers and watersports
  4. 4 The Sierra Nevada volcano
  5. 5 Laima Volcano
    1. 5.1 Geologic characteristics of Llaima volcano
    2. 5.2 2008 eruption
  6. 6 Hiking
  7. 7 Flora
  8. 8 Fauna
  9. 9 Administration
  10. 10 When to visit
  11. 11 References
  12. 12 External links


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Conguillío National Park

➴ Coordinates: 38° 41‘ S, 71° 40‘ W
12. März 2025
N/A °
N/A k/h
N/A km