File:Landscape_kruger-park.jpg File:Kruger_National_Park_locator_map.svg File:Kruger_Park_Zebra.jpg File:Bustes_Kruger_NP.jpg File:Kruger_Gate_Monument,_RSA_(cropped).JPG File:South_African_Safari_Wildlife1.jpg File:African_bull_elephant.jpg File:Berghaan.jpg File:Giraffa_camelopardalis_angolensis.jpg File:African_Leopard_Chitwa_South_Africa_Luca_Galuzzi_2004.JPG File:Phacochoerus_africanus_(Kruger,_South_Africa).jpg File:Ceratotherium_simum_Kruger_Park_02.JPG File:Buffel_1.jpg File:KuduKrüger.jpg File:Lamprotornis_nitens,_Kruger.jpg File:Mopani_Camp_Kruger.JPG File:Lower_Sabie_bungalows_KNP.jpg File:Tent_in_tamboti_camp.jpg File:Phabeni.jpg
Source: Wikipedia

Kruger nationalpark (Kruger National Park)

Kruger nationalpark er en nationalpark i Sydafrika som ligger i provinserne Mpumalanga og Limpopo. Parken er en af verdens dyrerigeste. Den er cirka 350 km lang og 60 km bred, og dækker et areal på cirka 20.000 km², hvilket svarer til det dobbelte af Sjælland og Fyn tilsammen.
I nationalparken findes 147 forskellige pattedyr, såsom store bestande af antiloper, giraffer, aber, løver og elefanter, over 500 fuglearter og 114 forskellige krybdyrarter. Gode bilveje og lejrpladser gør området lettilgængeligt for turister og forskere. Parken blev oprindeligt oprettet i 1898 af præsident Paul Kruger som et fredet areal, Sabie Game Reserve, og 1926 blev området nationalpark. 1961 fik parken en indhegning, og siden 2000-tallet udvidedes den med lignende parker i Mozambique og Zimbabwe.
I januar 2014 tiltrak området sig opmærksomhed efter at en flod som løber gennem nationalparken forurenedes af udslip fra en fosfatmine. Resultatet blev i første omgang en meget stor fiskedød.

  1. 1 Kilder og eksterne henvisninger


  • The kruger National Park is one of best places to visit when you want a holiday. It is really peaceful, you hear the silence of nature and you will always see animals.

    2 weeks ago
  • One of the best experience someone has to investing. If you are lucky, you can find cheetah, lions, guepards, etc. I recommend go really early, like 4am and see everything. We, particullary, go by our owns with a 4x4. We did that Tour with our little kid and the maps are easy to follow.

    a week ago
  • The most awesome experience ever. Visit Kruger National Park to see wild animals in their natural habitat. A must visit.

    a month ago
  • The most relaxing and exciting place to visit. Lots of different species of wildlife. The people at entry points are very knowledgeable and friendly.

    a week ago
  • Had a great time...I would advise a tour with a qualified tour guide...They will show you around and answer all your questions. The park is really big and beautiful...Worth every cent

    a month ago
  • Amazing scenery. It was great to see the elephants up close

    4 weeks ago
  • Great park to visit.

    a week ago
  • The Kruger is one the most delightful places on the planet. Really well-priced and full of good energy. We were fortunate enough to get decent sightings considering we went spontaneously for two day-trips. Definitely coming back for a longer stay in the future. A great feather in South Africa’s cap.

    4 months ago

Kruger nationalpark

➴ Coordinates: 23° 59‘ S, 31° 33‘ E
23. Februar 2025
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N/A k/h
N/A km