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Source: Wikipedia

Rocky Mountain National Park

Rocky Mountain National Park er en nationalpark i delstaten Colorado i USA. Parken blev etableret 26. januar 1915, og er på 1.078 km². Denne del af bjergkæden Rocky Mountains har økosystemer beliggende i varierende højder fra over 150 bredzonesøer til bjergøkosystemer og subalpine skove til alpin tundra. Et righoldigt dyreliv bestående af blandt andre muldyr, bighornfår, sortbjørne og pumaer, holder til i de vulkanske bjerge og gletsjerdale. Det over 4.000 meter høje bjerg Longs Peak og søen Bear Lake er populære udflugtsmål.

En fjerdedel af Rocky Mountain National Park ligger højere end trægrænsen, og parken har i alt 60 bjergtoppe over 3.700 meters højde. Den højeste top er Longs Peak på 4.346 moh. Der er flere mindre gletsjere her. Vandskellet mellem Stillehavet og Atlanterhavet går gennem parken, og floden Colorado River har sine kilder i parken.
Ute- og arapahoindianere boede i området før europæerne kom, men udnyttelsen af landskabet var ikke intensiv. Stephen Harriman Long (1784–1864) og hans «Long Expedition» besøgte området i 1820. Longs Peak er opkaldt efter ham, men han besteg det ikke. Enos A. Mills (1870–1922) regnes som initiativtager til naturfredningen.
Parken ligger nordvest for byen Boulder i Colorados del af Rocky Mountains. Parken har fem informationscentre, og har hovedkontor ved Beaver Meadows Visitor Center, som er et National Historic Landmark tegnet af elever ved Frank Lloyd Wrights arkitektskole Taliesin West. Parken kan nås via tre veje, US Highway 34 og 36, og Colorado State Highway 7. Highway 34, kendt som Trail Ridge Road gennem parken, går fra byen Estes Park på østsiden af bjergene til Grand Lake, Colorado mod sydvest. Vejen går helt op til 3.713 moh., og er lukket om vinteren pga. sne.
Parken har grænse til de beskyttede områder Roosevelt National Forest (nord og vest) Routt National Forest (nordvest) og Arapaho National Forest (sydvest). Grænsene for parken er blevet udvidet gennem årene, den største udvidelse var i 1929.

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  • Beautiful national park with lots to see. The trail ridge road is amazing in itself for the way it was built, offering incredible views from high up. The Bear lake trail is very picturesque, so are the other lake trails. The Alpine visitor center is a must visit. You can’t stop admiring the pristine beauty and elegance of this park while you are there.

    a week ago
  • For me, one of the best places that I've ever visited in my life. Best views with the snow, the animals, our guide was super cool and super friendly. Hope to come back one day to explore more, because I've only had the chance to see some parts. 💯💯💯💯💯

    5 days ago
  • Breath taking views! This is one of my favorite places in America! We come every year for our anniversary and we will continue coming back! Pictures don’t do the views justice but they will have to do!

    2 days ago
  • Amazing, wanted to stop at every stop. The beauty was breath taking. Saw elk, deer, and moose( from a safe distance of course) found a spot to get into the Colorado and take a family picture. All together a beautiful day drive.

    a week ago
  • It's our park. Who's house? Our house! This might be the most beautiful place in the world. It's definitely the most beautiful place in the United States. So much to do and so much to see, and it's owned by the citizens of the United States.

    5 days ago
  • This was without a doubt one of the best and most impressive places my wife and I have visited together. We fell in love with the views of the Rocky Mountains, and the scenic drives. I highly recommend taking Trail Ridge Road to see it for yourself. Most importantly: make sure to plan ahead of time and make a reservation! If you don’t, you have to reserve the night before and it’s not guaranteed. Also: the line of cars backs up and gets SUPER long as the day progresses, so definitely go early.

    a week ago
  • Surreal to see it post fire after seeing it for years untouched!! Still a wonderful place to go and almost all staff encountered are super friendly and helpful. Great hiking trails and views. Have seen A TON of wildlife!!! It never gets old coming here!!

    a week ago
  • Only had time to stop for one stretch of trails, took around three hours and was full of beautiful sights and wildlife. Trails were very clearly marked with frequent signs providing direction and mileage, far more often and detailed than in most parks I’ve visited which can be very helpful. No potable water so be sure you have plenty before you enter

    6 days ago

Rocky Mountain National Park

➴ Coordinates: 40° 20‘ N, 105° 41‘ W
23. Februar 2025
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