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Source: Wikipedia

Cairngorms-Nationalpark (Cairngorms National Park)

Der Cairngorms-Nationalpark (engl. Cairngorms National Park, gälisch Üghdarras Pàirc Nàiseanta a' Mhonaidh Ruaidh) ist der größte und gleichzeitig zweitjüngste der fünfzehn Nationalparks des Vereinigten Königreichs Großbritannien und Nordirland. Seine Fläche beträgt 3800 km².
Nach Verabschiedung eines neuen Gesetzes zum Schutz der Landschaft im schottischen Parlament wurde er im September 2003 als einer von zwei schottischen Nationalparks gegründet. Das Monitoring, Management und Informationsangebote werden von der „Cairngorms National Park Authority“ wahrgenommen.

  1. 1 Landschaft
  2. 2 Fauna
  3. 3 Literatur
  4. 4 Weblinks


  • Love being in the hills. Always great views and excellent days out. Walks for every ability.

    2 weeks ago
  • Early June; swimming in a lake on a sandy beach with snowy peaks just a few miles behind, cycling along some great mountain tracks with very diverse scenery. If you venture deep into the park it is possible to find some epic wildcamping spots along the river but make sure you leave no trace behind and keep this place pristine.

    2 months ago
  • Had a fabulous day out with grandkids they loved it. We saw all the animals up close it was amazing. Very clean, plenty of toilets. Food was available from kiosks or cafe, there is also picnic places if you decide to take you own 😁

    a month ago
  • A really good day out. Wide range of animals, mostly, on view in enclosures. Cleaver use of available terrain to give good views but stimulating environments. To be fair it was a very hot day and only the polar bear and monkeys who were in the water seemed to be enjoying themselves. Most of the others were (understandably) laying about in the coolest places available. A real pity that both cafés weren't open causing long queues for drinks and food, we gave up. If your near give yourself half a day and have a look.

    a month ago
  • Beautiful location, good accessible public paths up the mountains, big car park only needs £2 donation to park in, Ranger gave us advice for wild camping

    4 weeks ago
  • Stunning. The quiet beauty all around is breathtaking.

    a month ago
  • Ram

    Whether you were here in the summer or the winter there is always amazing sites to be seen. I believe this is one of the largest national parks in the entire country and will leave everyone amazed. Overall highly recommended

    8 months ago
  • It's a memorable views of scenic place

    a month ago


➴ Coordinates: 57° 2‘ N, 3° 33‘ W
12. März 2025
N/A °
N/A k/h
N/A km