File:Nivoletto.jpg File:Parco-Gran_Paradiso-Posizione.png File:2006-08-06_31.jpg File:Gran_Paradiso_Panorama.jpg File:Altopiano_del_Nivolet.jpg File:National_parks_of_Italy.svg File:Gran_Paradiso.jpg File:Autumn_in_the_Valle_di_Champorcher_(10833229265).jpg File:MarmottaGranParadiso.jpg File:Capra_ibex_gran_paradiso.jpg File:Gipeto_adulto.jpg File:Laghi_Djouan,_Valsavarenche_10.JPG File:La_Via_è_libera.jpg File:Valnontey_panorama.jpg File:Vallone_di_Forzo_(15955451156).jpg File:Rio_Lasin_(15300766393).jpg File:Autunno_all'Alpe_di_Orvieille.JPG File:Laghetti_del_Lauson_A4.JPG File:Strada_reale_da_Orvieilles_e_Laghi_Djouan,_Valsavarenche_21.JPG
Source: Wikipedia

Nationalpark Gran Paradiso (Parco nazionale del Gran Paradiso)

Der Nationalpark Gran Paradiso (ital.) oder Parc national du Grand-Paradis (frz.) wurde 1922 als erster Nationalpark in Italien eingerichtet. Er liegt in den Regionen Aostatal und Piemont im Hochgebirge der Westalpen und erstreckt sich über eine Fläche von 70.318 Hektar. Im Westen besteht auf einer Länge von etwa 14 km eine gemeinsame Grenze zum französischen Nationalpark Vanoise.
In diesem Gebiet, das früher als königliches Jagdreservat unter Schutz stand, hatte die letzte Population des ansonsten im gesamten Alpenbogen ausgerotteten Alpensteinbocks überlebt – entsprechend dem Wisent im polnischen Nationalpark Białowieża.
Im Jahr 2006 verlieh der Europarat dem Gran-Paradiso-Nationalpark das Europäische Diplom für geschützte Gebiete.

  1. 1 Geographie
  2. 2 Geschichte
  3. 3 Fauna
  4. 4 Infrastruktur
  5. 5 Literatur
  6. 6 Weblinks
  7. 7 Einzelnachweise


  • Have no words to describe it... Best natural views ever seen... Awesome mountains, forests, rivers everything... One of the best national park I ever been. Unfortunately the pictures are nothing compare to what you gonna see with your eyes and feel with your soul... Just go.

    9 months ago
  • Beautiful landscape, advised for spending some time in the nature. Stunning view of the Gran Paradiso peak surrounded by other mountains and a few turquoise lakes. The best natural park you'll find in northern Italy with plenty of hiking trails leading to the summits to fully enjoy your tour, gifting an incredible view of the valley underneath.

    a year ago
  • Be here makes you love more the Mother Earth!!

    10 months ago
  • The Nivolet pass is a wonderful high mountain place. The road is well paved but full of sharp bends; along this road there are many lakes of different surface. The scenery is fantastic !

    2 years ago
  • Amazing place. Lots of animals , things to do in the nature , breathtaking views. Great hike to the refuge. A lot of small waterfalls as well if you hike during summer

    2 years ago
  • Amazing mountain! It took me 6h from Emanuele hut to the summit and 4h back. You don’t need a guide to climb it but strong legs is a must!

    2 years ago
  • Amazing... Col de nivolet.. But be careful of the cyclists.

    2 years ago
  • Breathtaking National Park! Strongly suggested for passionate hikers and wild life lovers.

    a year ago

Nationalpark Gran Paradiso

➴ Coordinates: 45° 31‘ N, 7° 19‘ E
21. Dezember 2024
N/A °
N/A k/h
N/A km