File:Table_mountain_and_the_ocean_cape_town.JPG File:Tablemountain_kabelkar.jpg File:Cape_Town_Pano1.jpg File:Hodges_cape-good-hope.jpg File:De_Villiers_reservoir.jpg File:Nuweland_Graafwater.jpg File:Kaapse_erosie.svg File:Table_Mountain_Cape_Town_South_Africa_19Mar2018_SkySat.jpg File:Peninsula_Sandstone_Fynbos_-_Table_Mountain_Cape_Town_4.jpg File:5_Indigenous_Afrotemperate_Forest_on_Devils_Peak_-_Cape_Town.JPG File:4_Silvertrees_on_Lions_Head_-_Cape_Town.JPG File:RedDisa.jpg File:Table_Mountain_Dassies.JPG File:Rau_Quagga_on_Devils_Peak.jpg File:Himalayan_tahr_in_Skeleton_gorge_on_Table_Mountain_01_Feb_2018_(2).jpg File:Hiking_trail_going_up_Table_Mountain.jpg File:Table_Mountain_Eastern_Slopes_-_Natural_Areas_-_Cape_Town.png File:Maclear's_Beacon_text.jpg File:Table_mountain.JPG
Source: Wikipedia

Tafelberg (Südafrika) (Table Mountain)

Der Tafelberg (englisch Table Mountain, afrikaans Tafelberg, khoi: Hoerikwaggo für „aus dem Meer ragend“) liegt in Südafrika, im nördlichen Teil einer Bergkette auf der circa 52 km langen und bis zu 16 km breiten Kap-Halbinsel, an deren Südende sich das Kap der Guten Hoffnung befindet. Er prägt die Silhouette Kapstadts, auf dessen Territorium er sich erstreckt. Der höchste Punkt des Tafelberges ist Maclear’s Beacon (Maclears Signalfeuer) am nordöstlichen Ende des Felsplateaus mit 1087 m. Der Tafelberg umfasst eine Gesamtfläche von rund 6500 Hektar.

  1. 1 Geologie
  2. 2 Geographie
  3. 3 Natur
  4. 4 Klima
  5. 5 Table Mountain Aerial Cableway
  6. 6 Brandkatastrophe 2021
  7. 7 Siehe auch
  8. 8 Weblinks
  9. 9 Einzelnachweise


  • What a beautiful scenic drive. Absolutely breathtaking 😍 the sunsets. A very cute romantic spot.

    a month ago
  • Y

    Breath taking views very worthwhile... one of the most beautiful places in the world!!

    a month ago
  • Table Mountain is a landmark worth visiting For a panoramic view of Cape Town, the ocean and the nature reserves behind the mountain It is better Two hours is enough to relax up the mountain if you use the cable car. But if you climb the mountain, you need 5 to 6 hours to go up and down

    3 weeks ago
  • Well kept, updated, and fitting support services for this natural wonder. Beautiful.

    3 weeks ago
  • We climbed it twice (took a few hours each time - between 2 and 3 to get to the top), each time using a different route. In between climbing up and down and then discovering the top of the mountain, we spent the whole day there. Need good shoes and enough water. It was a great outing

    a week ago
  • Very nice place,nice view and all in this area.

    a month ago
  • Great Hike with friends and made more friends along the way. Moderate hike depending on your level of fitness. Took us 2 hours, to and fro. Torch is advisable if you want to go through the Boomslang Cave.

    4 months ago
  • Amazing Place Capetown & Table Mountain are inseparable. This place is a marvelous beauty of nature & well maintained by SAN Park. Accessible to wheel chair( most of the locations) safe for kids ( parents always be careful), washrooms, very cold & windy No need of any review, this is a must visit place.

    5 months ago

Tafelberg (Südafrika)

➴ Coordinates: 33° 57‘ S, 18° 24‘ E
13. März 2025
N/A °
N/A k/h
N/A km