File:Karte_Nationalpark_Sächsische_Schweiz.png File:BirchwoodInSaxonySwiss.jpg File:Schild_der_Nationalparkregion_Sächsische_Schweiz_060704_1.jpg File:Západní_úbočí_Grosser_Zschirnstein.JPG File:Logo_Nationalpark_Sächsische_Schweiz.svg File:Affensteine1.jpg File:Totholz_Zeughaus.jpg File:Kuhstall_2012-05-27-7623.jpg File:Großes_Schrammtor_(49).jpg File:Malerweg,_Germany_24.jpg File:Nationalpark_Sächsische_Schweiz_Hinweistafel_Klettersteig.JPG File:Bastei_bei_Rathen_68.JPG File:Amselgrund_bei_Rathen_39.JPG File:Borkenkäferbefall_Sächsische_Schweiz.jpg File:Lilienstein_Saxon_Switzerland.jpg File:Fern_grove.jpg File:Carolafelsen2.jpg File:Lilienstein_and_Elbe_river_from_Koenigstein_Saxony.jpg File:Wehlsteinaussicht-Elbsandsteingebirge-Sächsische_Schweiz.jpg
Source: Wikipedia

Saxon Switzerland National Park (Nationalpark Sächsische Schweiz)

Saxon Switzerland National Park (German: Nationalpark Sächsische Schweiz), is a National Park in the German Free State of Saxony, near the Saxon capital Dresden. It covers two areas of 93.5 km² (36.1 mi²) in the heart of the German part of the Elbe Sandstone Mountains, which is often called (the) Saxon Switzerland (German: Sächsische Schweiz).
The National Park adjoins Bohemian Switzerland National Park (Czech: České Švýcarsko) in the Czech Republic.

  1. 1 Geography
    1. 1.1 Location
    2. 1.2 Landscape
    3. 1.3 Western region
    4. 1.4 Eastern region
  2. 2 Tourism and recreation
    1. 2.1 Rock climbing
  3. 3 Information posts
  4. 4 Points of interest
  5. 5 See also
  6. 6 References
  7. 7 External links


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Saxon Switzerland National Park

➴ Coordinates: 50° 54‘ N, 14° 16‘ E
23. Februar 2025
N/A °
N/A k/h
N/A km