File:Red_elephant.jpg File:TSAVO_East_Buchuma_Gate.JPG File:Majestic_red_elephant_of_Tsavo_East_(5232098119).jpg File:Mudanda_Rock_in_Tsavo_East_National_Park.jpg File:Maneless_lion_from_Tsavo_East_National_Park.png File:Aepyceros_melampus_melampus_group_on_the_move_west_of_the_Ashnil_Aruba_Lodge_in_the_Tsavo_East_National_Park,_Kenya_7.jpg File:Equus_quagga_boehmi_group_crossing_a_dirt_road_(edited).jpg File:Why_did_the_giraffe_cross_the_road?_(5232715954).jpg File:African_Cape_Buffalo_(5232693190).jpg File:Gepard_Tsavo_Kenia.JPG File:African_Bush_Elephants_in_Tsavo_East_National_Park.png File:Papio_cynocephalus_group_in_Tsavo_East_National_Park_(edited).jpg File:ElephantsInTsavo.jpg File:TsavoGate67.jpg File:Mudanda_Rock_in_Tsavo_East_National_Park_(edited).jpg File:Zebras_in_Tsavo_East_(5232102587).jpg File:Baboon_in_Tsavo_East_(5232108287).jpg File:Elephants_at_Satao_Camp,_Tsavo_East_2012.jpg File:Aepyceros_melampus_melampus_in_Tsavo_East_Kenya.JPG
Source: Wikipedia

Tsavo East National Park (Hifadhi ya Taifa ya Tsavo Mashariki)

Tsavo East National Park is one of the oldest and largest parks in Kenya at 13,747 square kilometres. Situated in a semi-arid area previously known as the Taru Desert it opened in April 1948, and is located near the town of Voi in the Taita-Taveta County of the former Coast Province. The park is divided into east and west sections by the A109 road and a railway. Named for the Tsavo River, which flows west to east through the national park, it borders the Chyulu Hills National Park, and the Mkomazi Game Reserve in Tanzania.

  1. 1 Geography
  2. 2 Archaeology and history
  3. 3 Major attractions
    1. 3.1 Mudanda Rock
    2. 3.2 Yatta Plateau
    3. 3.3 Lugard Falls
    4. 3.4 Aruba Dam
  4. 4 Wildlife
    1. 4.1 Mammals
    2. 4.2 Birds
  5. 5 Poaching
  6. 6 References
  7. 7 External links


  • ket

    Best park to visit even though part of the park look's dry but all in all you can Spot big four animals

    a week ago
  • Amazing National park.... It's truly the theatre of total wilderness!!!

    a month ago
  • Was at Tsavo East in 2020 November, great park and very large. We were lucky to see some amazing wildlife from insects, birds, lizards to big animals like; giraffe, buffalo, elephant, cheetah, leopard, zebra, a variety of antelopes and gazelles, etc. I highly recommend Tsavo East National Park to local and foreign tourists.

    7 months ago
  • Its soo beautiful 😍....

    3 months ago
  • A very cool place

    3 days ago
  • Saw lots of lions cheetahs elephants and many more stayed at a good lodge well worth the visit

    a week ago
  • A must go for all people who love wildlife

    6 days ago
  • Very fascinating Park in TCA

    3 months ago

Tsavo East National Park

➴ Coordinates: 2° 14‘ S, 38° 20‘ E
12. März 2025
N/A °
N/A k/h
N/A km