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Source: Wikipedia

Devils Tower

La Devils Tower, toponyme anglais signifiant littéralement en français « Tour du Diable », est un monolithe naturel situé à proximité des villes de Hulett et de Sundance, dans le Nord-Est du Wyoming, aux États-Unis. Sa hauteur est de 386 m au-dessus des terres environnantes ; son sommet est à 1 558 m d'altitude. La rivière Belle Fourche s'écoule à proximité.
La Devils Tower est protégée au sein du Devils Tower National Monument. Il s'agit du premier monument national des États-Unis, ce titre lui ayant été décerné le 24 septembre 1906 par le président Theodore Roosevelt. La superficie de ce monument national est de 545 hectares.

  1. 1 Toponymie
  2. 2 Histoire géologique
  3. 3 Histoire récente
  4. 4 Croyances amérindiennes
  5. 5 Dans la culture populaire
  6. 6 Notes et références
  7. 7 Liens externes


  • Amazing. You pay to go in. If veterans show their ID they are free. The museum as of today is closed down unless you wear a mask, or show your vaccine card. It's a hour walk to the top. There is RV Parking restrooms. The gift shop outside is very nice, also offers ice cream.

    3 weeks ago
  • Words don't do proper justice to the majesty and sheer size of the tower! It is stunning from all angles and is so beautiful up close! The views from all around left me awe-struck! I can't wait to go back!

    a week ago
  • This place is incredible. You turn a corner and see thus giant fun sticking up high about of the other hills close by it. And it stays an incredible sight as you travel around it on the trail. There is also a Prarie dog village at the bottom. There is plenty of information to learn about it as well as you walk around it. If you are a rock climber, you can climb it, otherwise you have to enjoy it from the path surrounding it, which is still a great sight!

    5 days ago
  • Devils Tower has been on my bucket list for years and finally got to visit it! Four of us rode motorcycles to Sturgis and his is one stop I requested. We rode in after a few hours of riding. What an impressive sight! Love the views to get here and next to the monument. Spent some time walking around, but did not have time for any of the longer hikes. The Visitor Center was nice and have all the trinkets you could want. Would love to come back and explore some of the hiking trails here.

    a week ago
  • We were staying in Spearfish SD and decided to see Devil's Tower. This is a must see landmark and well worth the effort. There is not a lot of parking so it is wise to go there early in the day. You will want to take the loop trail that circles the tower. The trail is 1.3 miles long and relatively easy to take. As you circle the tower you will see different sides and see information on its make up and history. You also will probably see climbers who attempt to assend the tower. Take your time and enjoy your surroundings as well as the tower.

    3 days ago
  • This place is truly beautiful and a must see when you are on your travels. It is a small hike around . Bring water as it is hot! But everything from the native history to how this monument came to be is incredible! When you visit here , enjoy every moment of it !

    4 days ago
  • Super cool and worth walking around and looking at Devil’s Tower closer. Breathtaking views. Amazing to see climbers scaling down the structure. A 1.8 mile walk around the monument with plenty of spots to sit and gaze at nature or take some pictures. If you haven’t checked out the 4th grade free program with the National Park program (5th grade this pandemic year) check it out, our family was able to see this free and other parks are included.

    a week ago
  • So worth the fee to get (in or out) depending the day i guess we payed to get out. We parked at the bottom and hike up the 2.8 mile trail up (mind you I am not a hiker) it was so easy. My kids loved the sights and once to the top wanted to keep going.... we were kinda on a time limit so couldn't so headed back down. 3hours in all up, looking around, down and lots of photos!

    3 days ago

Devils Tower

➴ Coordinates: 44° 35‘ N, 104° 42‘ W
12. März 2025
N/A °
N/A k/h
N/A km