File:Waterfall_Madakaripura_B.JPG File:Bromo_a.JPG File:COLLECTIE_TROPENMUSEUM_Priesters_uit_het_Tengger_district_Oost-Java_TMnr_10001180.jpg File:Bromo_sunrise_May2014.jpg File:Tengger-Gebirge.JPG File:Madakaripura_Waterfall_-_Indonesia.jpg File:Gunung_Bromo_sunrise_-_Indonesia.jpg File:Caldeira_du_Tengger.jpg File:Andhika_bayu_nugraha-taman_nasional_bromo_tengger_semeru.jpg File:Semeru_Bromo_Temple.JPG File:Bromo-Semeru-Batok-Widodaren.jpg File:The_Beauty_of_Bromo_Mountains.jpg File:COLLECTIE_TROPENMUSEUM_Ranoe_Rewoelo_in_de_buurt_van_Tosari._TMnr_60002570.jpg File:Coat_of_arms_of_East_Java.svg File:Java_Locator_Topography.png File:Taman_Nasional_Bromo_Tengger_Semeru_Yang_Indah.jpg File:Mount_Bromo.jpg File:1_Java_Vulkan_Semeru_ferne_Rauchwolke.JPG File:RIMountBatok1.jpg
Source: Wikipedia

Parc national de Bromo-Tengger-Semeru (Taman Nasional Bromo Tengger Semeru)

Le parc national de Bromo Tengger Semeru est un parc national situé dans l'est de l'île de Java en Indonésie. Il est constitué d'une région montagneuse dont le point culminant est le mont Semeru à 3 676 m, le plus haut sommet de Java. Le massif du Tengger et le mont Bromo font partie du parc. On y trouve aussi 4 lacs : Ranu Pani, Ranu Regulo, Ranu Kumbolo et Ranu Darungan, et une cinquantaine de rivières.
Des espèces menacées sont protégées dans le parc, comme des fagaceae, des moraceae, sterculiaceae, Casuarina junghuhniana, Anaphalis longifolia et quelque 200 espèces endémiques d'orchidées.
On y dénombre également 137 espèces d'oiseaux, 22 espèces de mammifères et 4 espèces de reptiles protégés. Parmi les gros animaux, on trouve l'épervier besra (Accipiter virgatus), le paon vert (Pavo muticus), le cerf de Java (Cervus timorensis), le dhole (Cuon alpinus) et la panthère de Java (Panthera pardus mela).
En 2015, le parc est reconnu Réserve de biosphère par l'Unesco.

  1. 1 Voir aussi
    1. 1.1 Liens externes
  2. 2 Notes et références


  • Very nice place to visit, very worth driving for 10 hours with motorbike from Bali to Bromo, it was pleasure

    2 months ago
  • Magnificent & Majestic Bromo, That was one of my best experiences , Yet is memorable experience . We started climbing at 4:00 am to ensure that we will catch sunrise . It was very cold (definitely) as we were way up above sea level . We took private trip with include Jeep with driver and a guide to show us the way . It was smooth trip however the locals quite disturbing us as they force us to ride the horse which we do not need as we intend to walk and climb as part of the experience . That’s only the bad part . However the rest was amazing trip . The scenery was beautiful , we reach exactly few minutes before sunset . Thought it was crowded but still we manage to find a spot to enjoy the mesmerizing sunrise with out cup of tea . Finally , it was amazing experience and will be our everlasting memories .

    5 months ago
  • Definitely an amazing place, best scenery and great place that has been built into tourists area… better if you use guide. i use Jhose Guide.. he does anything for you, so you just come and everything has been prepared for you. You can contact Jhose at +62 822 46948700

    2 months ago
  • I have never seen anything like this. It's a must to visit. You can go with Jeep, horse, walking to reach the crater and the view points. We went by foot to see the sunrise from bromo cater view point. You can walk along the crater, although in the dark its quite challenging. Defo not suitable for kids! Bring mask to cover your mouth as the sulphur is really strong. After the sunrise we descend with horses and visited the semeru view point with jeeps. Starting your trip early will save you from the crowd, and the chance is higher to have clear weather for photos.

    2 months ago
  • STUNNING! Enjoyed everthing about it. Been there twice, both wet and dry season. Dry season is the best with the clear weather, although the wet season would offer a different vibe with the mist.

    6 months ago
  • 3 times to Bromo and i never ever feel bored. stunning 😘👍

    2 months ago
  • The best view I saw this year! Like you should come here for real

    3 months ago
  • Wonderfull...

    2 weeks ago

Parc national de Bromo-Tengger-Semeru

➴ Coordinates: 8° 1‘ S, 112° 57‘ E
12. März 2025
N/A °
N/A k/h
N/A km