File:Komodo_dragon_at_Komodo_National_Park.jpg File:Komodo_National_Park_2000-07-20_ASTER.jpg File:Komodo_Dragon_Eating_Rinca.jpg File:Water_buffalo_at_Rinca.jpg File:Crab-eating_macaque_at_Rinca.JPG File:Megapodius_reinwardt_Cairns.jpg File:Komodo_dragon_stalking_deer.png File:Citron-crested_Cockatoo.jpg File:Solenostomus_paradoxus_(Harlequin_ghost_pipefish).jpg File:Komodo-dragon-1.jpg File:Komodo_dragon_Nick_Hobgood.jpg File:Giant_clam_tridacna_komodo_small.jpg File:Cuttlefish_komodo_large.jpg File:Cleaner_station_komodo.jpg File:Flores_Locator_Topography.png File:Komodo_Islands.jpg File:Adelaar_off_Padar_Island_(1998).jpg File:Komodo_dragon_(Varanus_komodoensis).jpg File:Kanawa_Island.jpg
Source: Wikipedia

Parc national de Komodo (Taman Nasional Komodo)

Le Parc national de Komodo est un parc national situé en Indonésie, dans les Petites Îles de la Sonde, à la limite des provinces des petites îles de la Sonde occidentales et des petites îles de la Sonde orientales.
Le parc national comprend les trois grandes îles de Komodo, Rinca et Padar, ainsi que de nombreuses autres plus petites. La superficie totale du parc est de 1 817 km2, pour une superficie terrestre de 603 km2.
Le parc national a été créé en 1980, avec pour objectif de protéger le dragon de Komodo (Varanus komodoensis) et les cétacés. L'objectif a été élargi plus tard, vers une protection de la flore et de la faune de la région, y compris dans les zones maritimes.
Les îles du parc national sont d'origine volcanique et 4 000 personnes y habitent. En 1991, le parc a été inscrit sur la liste du patrimoine mondial et réserve de biosphère par l'UNESCO depuis 1977.

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  • For me, going to Komodo National Park, the home of the Komodo Dragons is one of my “must-see-once-in-a-lifetime” obsession. When I finally came face to face with the giant lizard, the heaviest lizard on earth, I was so thrill. The rangers, who accompanied us even let my husband took a picture of me behind one of the komodo. Even so, I was fully aware that komodo was a wild and very dangerous animal. Won’t do that again in the future.

    a month ago
  • ian

    Beautiful places. This places offer you a experience to explore komodo area with a ship for around 3 day. So you can feel how sleep, eat etc at the ship. The landscape was beautiful and the komodo dragon was awesome. Carefull not to close with them. You only have that experience here in komodo.

    a month ago
  • One of the best National Park in Indonesia which offer the only Komodo dragon experience. The park rangers are very friendly and informational. You have to have transportation to this island, normally with group tours or if you use live on board sailing boat tour will have option to get here. Tour with guides will last about 40 minutes which includes some photo shoot session in front of Komodo dragon you'll find along the way. Beware to follow park ranger instructions on the guided tour in the island.

    7 months ago
  • beautiful island ... am already missing the view

    3 months ago
  • Probably the most disappointing part of the day trip. Only 2-3 sleepy Komodo dragons, the best part is the Padar island view. And definitely go during week days, weekends to much crowd

    2 months ago
  • Komodo National Park is a nature reserve made up of three large volcanic islands in the Indonesian archipelago: Komodo, Rinca and Padar, as well as other smaller islets that accompany them. The safest route to Komodo National Park requires a flight to the Indonesian island of Bali, possibly from the capital, Jakarta, or a neighbouring country. Once in Bali you can take another local flight to Labuan Bajo, the main transport hub for the entire island of Komodo. There you will have air, sea and land options to access the park. Climate distribution depends on the monsoons and altitude, however: the island experiences 8 months of extreme drought and only a few months of seasonal rainfall.

    5 months ago
  • Welcome to Komodo National Park, founded in 1980 to protect the Komodo dragon — a monitor lizard that evolved in this insular environment to be much larger-scale than its fellows. Found only on the islands we see here — Komodo and Padar — and a handful of others nearby, it's the biggest lizard walking the Earth today. Not only walking but sprinting. Since adult Komodo dragons often prey on swift Timor deer, you'll sometimes see a dragon in a dead sprint after its would-be dinner, reaching up to 13 miles (21 kilometres) an hour.

    5 months ago
  • Excited to finally saw the komodo dragon with my own eyes. The national park is not clean, but pretty views in the beach.

    4 months ago

Parc national de Komodo

➴ Coordinates: 8° 31‘ S, 119° 28‘ E
23. Februar 2025
N/A °
N/A k/h
N/A km