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Source: Wikipedia

Parc national de Zion (Zion National Park)

Le parc national de Zion (en anglais : Zion National Park) est un parc national américain situé dans le Sud-Ouest de l'État de l'Utah aux États-Unis.
Couvrant une superficie de 593 km2 (sur les presque 220 000 km2 que représente l'Utah) le parc est célèbre pour ses profonds canyons creusés par la rivière Virgin et ses affluents dans des roches colorées âgées de dizaines de millions d'années. Il est constitué de zones basses désertiques, de zones ripariennes au fond des canyons et de zones boisées au sommet des montagnes. La faune du parc est riche de 78 espèces de mammifères, 291 espèces d'oiseaux, 44 espèces de reptiles et d'amphibiens et de huit espèces de poissons. Plus de 900 espèces de plantes sont présentes dans le parc allant des cactus dans les zones désertiques aux forêts de conifères dans les zones montagneuses.
L'occupation humaine de la région remonte à plusieurs milliers d'années lorsque des paléoaméricains nomades arpentent la région en quête de nourriture. La région est par la suite habitée par des peuplades précolombiennes. Ces agriculteurs sédentaires, les Anasazis et les Fremonts, habitent la région entre le Ve siècle et le XIIe siècle. Ces cultures disparaissent après de longues périodes de sécheresse et sont à nouveau remplacées par des nomades, les Amérindiens Païutes qui y limitent leurs activités à la chasse et la cueillette. Les premiers explorateurs européens parviennent au sud-ouest de l'Utah à la fin du XVIIIe siècle et les premiers colons, des mormons, s'y installent au milieu du XIXe siècle.
Créé le 31 juillet 1909 en tant que Monument national de Mukuntuweap (Mukuntuweap National Monument), il devient parc national le 19 novembre 1919. Il est renommé « Zion », un nom propre à la culture mormone représentant un « refuge » ou « sanctuaire ». Depuis, le National Park Service s'occupe de la protection des richesses naturelles et culturelles du parc qui a accueilli 4,5 millions de visiteurs en 2017.

  1. 1 Géographie
    1. 1.1 Relief
    2. 1.2 Climat
    3. 1.3 Hydrographie
  2. 2 Géologie
  3. 3 Milieu naturel
    1. 3.1 Faune
    2. 3.2 Flore
    3. 3.3 Incendies
  4. 4 Histoire
    1. 4.1 Période archaïque
    2. 4.2 Période formative
    3. 4.3 Période néo-archaïque
    4. 4.4 Période de colonisation
    5. 4.5 Histoire du parc
  5. 5 Gestion et administration
  6. 6 Tourisme
    1. 6.1 Accessibilité
    2. 6.2 Infrastructures
    3. 6.3 Environs
    4. 6.4 Dans la culture
  7. 7 Notes et références
    1. 7.1 Notes
    2. 7.2 Références
  8. 8 Voir aussi
    1. 8.1 Bibliographie
    2. 8.2 Liens externes


  • Such a gorgeous place. If you plan to be there all day make sure you are prepared with enough food and water. Have the right shoes on and bring bandaids in case you start to get blisters. Narrows was very cool but dangerous when walking in the water around rocks. If you have bad ankles I don’t suggest it. Angels landing is a bit scary but worth the climb. This past week while we were in the area the park had two flash floods so be careful this time of year. They do close down several trails if it happens but you don’t want to be stuck out on a trail that gets flooded. Lots of friendly wild life to see. They run a free shuttle bus in and outside the park to help you get around which was nice but masks are required to ride on the shuttle. Not pet friendly because of the risky trails. Dogs aren’t allowed on the shuttle and can only go on one trail.

    3 weeks ago
  • This park has so much to see. The shuttle system was great, you have to wear masks on the shuttle) and our drivers were entertaining as well as informative. We couldn't do the Narrows hike due to flash for food warnings, so I'll have to go back. Don't go in July or August, if you can help it. It was WAAAAYYY too hot.

    3 weeks ago
  • What an awesome place. My greatest worry for this place is that since the COVID Pandemic, people have gone out to see these national treasures. The don't know how to respect the natural landscape and have destroyed and vandalized these places like they are some random building. The difference is nature isn't some canvas that can be repainted or repaired. I hope everyone can visit, just please take only photos and leave only footsteps.

    5 days ago
  • The water in this area tastes so good, it's sort of sweet. I made my tea with it and it tastes like heaven. What a stunningly beautiful place! It's probably even nicer in the winter when the snow covers the red peaks. Going through the tunnels is part of the fun, as we got to catch a quick glimpse of the different rock formations at every window before driving into the darkness again.

    a week ago
  • Zion holds its own against the great National parks! This place is one beautiful view/experience after another. Will definitely be back with future generations😀

    a day ago
  • One of the best national parks! Tons to see and do. The very best range in scenery from peaks to valleys. I could spend years exploring this park and never tire!. Even if youre not an expert hiker there are scenic and fun trails for you!

    a week ago
  • Cam

    In terms of scope and grandeur, you'd be hard pressed to beat Zion. A glorious view no matter where you look. Sights were almost all surprisingly accessible.

    2 days ago
  • I absolutely loved Zion National Park and I recommend coming here 10/10. The trails and the whole park was amazing and had insane views. The trails built were also amazing. There are easy trails for the family and hard trails for hikers wanting to push their limits. Angel’s Landing and the Narrows are a must visit and one of the best trails to hike for some amazing views.

    2 months ago

Parc national de Zion

➴ Coordinates: 37° 17‘ N, 113° 1‘ W
23. Februar 2025
N/A °
N/A k/h
N/A km