Le parc national des Piénines (slovaque : Pieninský národný park) (abrev. PIENAP) est le plus petit des parcs nationaux slovaques. Il est connu en particulier pour les gorges de la rivière Dunajec. Il est frontalier avec la Pologne, et jouxte le parc national polonais des Piénines.
Beautiful nature, forests and river ! We went for a family trip with 2 kids. We preffered biking rather then rafting. It's more active and you can stop your bike whenever you like to take pictures of this beautiful park. The road next to the river it's perfect for biking ! We really highly recommend it !!
The mountains. I love them and especially The Pieniny Mountains. There are small but so much picturesque and beautiful. It is easy to start walking in Poland and end up in the cosy and tasty Slovak restaurant on the other side of the border.