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Source: Wikipedia

Baia di Hanauma (Hanauma Bay)

La baia di Hanauma è un'insenatura della costa sud-orientale dell'isola di Oahu nell'arcipelago delle Hawaii. La baia, dalla forma a ferro di cavallo, è una delle destinazioni turistiche più popolari dell'isola, data anche la sua vicinanza al centro di Honolulu, capitale dello Stato federato, tanto che in certi periodi ha accolto oltre tre milioni di visitatori all'anno. La frequente presenza di meduse della classe Cubozoa unita al sovrautilizzo eccessivo della sua spiaggia sono i principali motivi che hanno condotto, in diverse occasioni, alla chiusura della baia.
Nel 1956 si decise di utilizzare la dinamite per eliminare porzioni della barriera corallina della baia per far spazio ai cavi telefonici che avrebbero collegato le Hawaii alla costa ovest degli Stati Uniti.

  1. 1 Origine del nome
  2. 2 Note
  3. 3 Collegamenti esterni


  • A.

    I have been here 4yrs ago. And I was concerned about the amount of people trampling all over the reef. Left and right feet on the ground- people that were not able to really swim. Scary! I felt bad and we left pretty soon after we got there. A week ago we went again, numbers of people allowed inside have been restricted due to covid and it made a huge difference. I saw more living corals , so many parrot fish, boxfish, porcupinefish , anglefish, triggerfish, butterflyfish, sea urchins , unicornfish, wrasse , surgeonfish. Sea cucumbers, eels and so many more. Not that we didn't see any of these fish 4yrs ago. The quantity changed tremendously. We saw whole schools of butterflyfish this time. There was not just one Parrotfish , there was several. We snorkel the entire reef and enjoyed it so much. Thank you for lowering the number of people (due to covid) but saving the reef by doing so. Mahalo!!!

    4 days ago
  • My wife and I love visiting this beach when we are visiting Hawaii. We did a snorkelling class here nearly 10 years ago and it was amazing. It is a beautiful clean beach and does not get too busy. From memory I think we had to watch a video about the conservative of the beach and pay to be allowed on.

    2 days ago
  • Kai

    Paradise !!!

    a month ago
  • Small piece of heaven, must visit❤️

    a month ago
  • Paradise in the earth! If you’re going to Oahu, you can’t miss that place!

    3 months ago
  • I don’t write reviews usually. But today I saw a lot of fishes here. It’s amazing!

    2 months ago
  • Used to be a great place, now staff is very rude, pushing you around .

    5 months ago
  • Fantastic. Swim wish tons of fish and turtles

    3 months ago

Baia di Hanauma

➴ Coordinates: 21° 16‘ N, 157° 41‘ W
12. März 2025
N/A °
N/A k/h
N/A km