File:Monterey_Bay_STS090-705-5.jpg File:South_Monterey_Bay.jpg File:Reuzekelp_Californië.jpg File:Cormorant_Condo_in_Monterey,_CA.jpg File:Moss-landing-otter.jpg File:Old_cannery_on_Monterey_Bay.JPG File:Beach_Monterey.JPG File:Montereybay.jpg File:SCUBA_diving_lessons.JPG File:Bierstadt_Albert_Bay_of_Monterey.jpg File:Aerial_view_-_Santa_Cruz_CA.jpg File:MontereyBay.png File:Monterey_bay_aquarium.jpg File:Monterey_Bay_Aquarium_Front.JPG File:Rockfish_Monterey_Bay_Aquarium.jpg File:Jellies_at_monterey_bay_aq..jpg File:Sanderlings_at_Monterey_Bay.jpg File:KelpAquarium.jpg File:MontereySkyline1a.JPG
Source: Wikipedia

Baia di Monterey (Monterey Bay)

La baia di Monterey è una baia sull'oceano Pacifico, lungo la costa centrale della California. Si trova a sud di San Francisco, fra le città di Santa Cruz e Monterey.
Baia di Monterey, o anche The Central Coast, sono locuzioni locali che descrivono la totalità delle coste che sottendono alla contea di Santa Cruz ed a quella di Monterey.
Nella baia sfocia il fiume San Lorenzo dopo un percorso di 46 chilometri svoltosi interamente in California.

  1. 1 Storia
  2. 2 Geologia
  3. 3 Flora e fauna
  4. 4 Città lungo la baia di Monterey
  5. 5 Galleria d'immagini
  6. 6 Note
  7. 7 Altri progetti
  8. 8 Collegamenti esterni


  • This is a beautiful place, the beauty is actually overwhelming and for me on the category of the Grand Canyon.

    a week ago
  • This is one of the most beautiful places in the world!

    2 months ago
  • Boats: trawlers, sailing, cruisers, light boats, rafts, rowboats, zodiacs. All snuggly tucked in for the night in Monterey Bay harbor.

    3 months ago
  • Definitely one of the most beautiful places I've lived in America. The sunsets are surreal, the jogging path along the coastline is beautiful, the scenery is master photography level, and the drive to Big Sur is amazing.

    2 years ago
  • Always a good place to visit. Although it's a very touristy place, there's not much traffic in the varied beaches which is always nice if you're trying to get away for a bit.

    2 years ago
  • Beautiful Californian Bay starting from Santa Cruz and going to Carmel by the Sea.

    a year ago
  • This was my favorite place to visit as a little girl. I can't wait to bring my daughter someday.

    3 months ago
  • Alot of fun!!

    3 months ago

Baia di Monterey

➴ Coordinates: 36° 48‘ N, 121° 56‘ W
1. Juli 2024
N/A °
N/A k/h
N/A km