File:Great-smoky-mountains-places-tn1.gif File:GSMNPSmoke.jpg File:Clingman's_Dome_Tower_on_a_Sunny,_Snowy_Day.JPG File:Mount_Le_Conte's_Rainbow_Falls.JPG File:Hazel-creek-embayment.jpg File:Bear-great-smoky-mtns-nps1.jpg File:Mount-cammerer-from-cosby.jpg File:LittleRiverGSMNP.jpg File:Mingus-mill-1.jpg File:Logo_of_the_United_States_National_Park_Service.svg File:Great-Smoky-Mountains_Panorama.jpg File:Wasserfall_in_den_Great-Smoky-Mountains.jpg File:Smokey_Mountains.Fluss.JPG File:Ursus_americanus_tree.jpg File:Clifftops4-7-07.jpg File:Bad_Lands,_Unaka_National_Forest_-_NARA_-_280115.jpg File:The_Smoky_Mountains,_in_Great_Smoky_Mountains_National_Park.jpg File:Alum_Cave_Bluffs_Trail.jpg File:Revised_Chimney_Tops_in_GSMNP_IMG_5121.JPG
Source: Wikipedia

Parco nazionale delle Great Smoky Mountains (Great Smoky Mountains National Park)

Il parco nazionale delle Great Smoky Mountains è un'area naturale protetta che comprende le Great Smoky Mountains e parte delle Blue Ridge Mountains, che fanno parte dei monti Appalachi. Il confine tra Tennessee ad ovest e Carolina del Nord ad est corre lungo la linea mediana del parco.
Venne istituito dal Congresso degli Stati Uniti nel 1934 ed ufficialmente aperto dal presidente Franklin D. Roosevelt nel 1940. Copre 2.110 km² (1.120 nella Carolina del Nord e 990 nel Tennessee), il che lo rende uno dei parchi più estesi degli Stati Uniti orientali. L'entrata principale del parco si trova lungo la U.S. Route 441 (Newfound Gap Road), tra le città di Gatlinburg (Tennessee) e Cherokee (Carolina del Nord).
Con 9,3 milioni di visitatori nel 2006, è il parco nazionale più visitato degli Stati Uniti.

  1. 1 Caratteristiche naturali
    1. 1.1 Flora e fauna
  2. 2 Attrazioni ed attività
    1. 2.1 Escursionismo
    2. 2.2 Altre attività
  3. 3 Storia umana
  4. 4 Note
  5. 5 Bibliografia
  6. 6 Voci correlate
  7. 7 Altri progetti
  8. 8 Collegamenti esterni


  • Amazing place, abundantly rich in nature, beauty, history, adventure, and wildlife. Hikes are amazing but please be prepared and informed ahead of time. Smoky Mountains have many great things for all.

    a week ago
  • Simply beautiful, breath taking sites. I'd love to come again some day!!! All kinds of site seeing, and rest stops to take pictures. Everyone is so friendly!

    2 weeks ago
  • Jon

    Awesome and beautiful place! You'll want to put this on your bucket list. Take time to stop by and dip your feet in the streams that run alongside the roads leading up the mountain. You won't regret it.

    4 days ago
  • So many trails. This place is so beautiful and is very peaceful. Look forward to seeing bears and other animals! Plan ahead and do research before coming.

    2 weeks ago
  • Breathtaking views throughout, so many places to pull over and take it all in, my daughter loved exploring in the rocks/creek, and we had the opportunity to see elk up close. Amazing!!!

    a week ago
  • While the views may not be as spectacular as Yosemite or Yellowstone, this is still a beautiful park with great hiking and forever views. The many original settler cabins provide a window into the past. We saw deer, turkeys, elk, and bear. And while we encountered crowds at the most popular attractions when we visited in early June, it was easy to find great trails where we were the only hikers. Definitely worth the trip.

    a month ago
  • It was so beautiful. Had a great time riding our motorcycle there. We had a blast.

    a week ago
  • WOW!!! What an amazing adventure. This park is absolutely gorgeous. The rivers and streams are just stunning, and there seems to be something exciting around every corner. There is a lot of history within the park as well. Do yourself a favor and stop off at the many attractions to really see what it was like back in the day. The wildlife and numerous trails are all worth the trip.

    a month ago

Parco nazionale delle Great Smoky Mountains

➴ Coordinates: 35° 36‘ N, 83° 33‘ W
23. Februar 2025
N/A °
N/A k/h
N/A km