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Source: Wikipedia

Everglades National Park

Everglades National Park is een natuurgebied in het zuidwesten van de staat Florida in de VS.
Het park werd in 1979 door UNESCO op de Werelderfgoedlijst geplaatst. In 2010 werd het gebied tot bedreigd werelderfgoed verklaard.
Dit kwetsbare en complexe ecosysteem combineert een brede ondiepe rivier met een subtropisch klimaat en een verscheidenheid aan flora en fauna. Het herbergt zeldzame en bedreigde diersoorten zoals de Amerikaanse krokodil en de Floridapanter. Het natuurgebied (6106 km²) wordt bepaald door afwisselende perioden van droogte en overstroming, branden, zonneschijn en hevige regenval.
Het wordt ook een rivier van gras met kleine eilandjes van bomen genoemd. Seminole- en Miccosukee-Indianen leven in dit gebied.

  1. 1 Nationaal park
  2. 2 Externe links


  • This was a very neat experience. We got to see the alligators up close. They took us on a tour to and we saw different kinds of species as well. Then an alligator show followed. Also you can hold a baby gator after the show. They even have a restaurant and a souvenir shop. Nice place to go

    a week ago
  • We didn't arrive in time for a tram tour, but we did get a long hike in (and back out) before full dark. Make sure you bring sunscreen, bug spray, and plenty of drinking water so you can enjoy the beautiful scenery and wildlife.

    4 weeks ago
  • Bei

    National treasure. Unique and so beautiful. Alligators are kind of cute. Be aware of brutal mosquitos though.

    a week ago
  • Everglades National Park is an amazing place to visit. I was short on time so I was only able to visit the Shark Valley area. I rented a bike and rode the 15 mile loop through Shark Valley. I saw many alligators, egrets, blue herons, tricolored herons, turtles, gar and other fish and birds. I went in August, which is considered the slow season, and only saw one other person on a bike for the entire 15 mile loop. If you don’t want to bike you can ride a tram or walk. I highly recommend bug spray and sunscreen. There are very few trees so you will be exposed to the sun.

    a week ago
  • I finally made it down to The Everglades and the iconic scenery did not disappoint. The Glades were easily my favorite part of The Keys. 💯🐊🦟🐍🦎🌴

    a month ago
  • Li

    Great place to go! The Manatees there are lovely and active. The surrounding scenery is great with many trails.

    3 months ago
  • Everglades National Park is within miles of one of the biggest metropolitan areas in the nation, yet it reserves a rich ecosystem with great options for outdoors sports and family. If visiting Florida, highly recommend Everglades National Park, enjoy nature at its best!

    3 months ago
  • Ed

    Had a great time here, don't forget to get out of your car. Lots to see an do.

    2 months ago

Everglades National Park

➴ Coordinates: 25° 17‘ N, 80° 53‘ W
22. Januar 2025
N/A °
N/A k/h
N/A km