File:Wpdms_usgs_photo_point_reyes_large.jpg File:Point_Reyes_Lighthouse_(April_2012).jpg File:DouglasIris.jpg File:Pierce_Point_Ranch.jpg File:Shipwreck_Point_Reyes,_Inverness.jpg File:Pore_lifesavingsation_nhl.JPG File:Ken_Patrick_Visitor_Center_at_Point_Reyes.JPG File:Tomales_Bay,_January_2013.jpg File:Wpdms_usgs_photo_point_reyes_national_seashore.jpg File:Tupeelkpointreyes.jpg File:Point_Reyes_Fog.JPG File:Chimney_Rock_Trail_Point_Reyes_December_2016_panorama_2.jpg File:Ptreyessunset.jpg File:U-S-_National_Geodetic_Survey_marker_Mt-_Wittenberg_2014-03-25_00-56.jpg File:Point_Reyes_National_Shoreline.jpg File:Point_Reyes_1.jpg File:McCluresBeach.jpg File:AlamereFalls.JPG File:Tule_elk_on_Tomales_Point_Trail.JPG
Source: Wikipedia

Point Reyes National Seashore

De Point Reyes National Seashore is een 287,44 km² groot natuurreservaat op het Point Reyes-schiereiland in het westen van Marin County, in de Amerikaanse staat Californië. Het gebied werd in 1962 uitgeroepen tot een National Seashore, waarmee het onder de bescherming van de National Park Service kwam. Met name om de traditionele ranchlandbouw en oesterkwekerijen toe te staan, werd Point Reyes erkend als National Seashore en niet als National Park, waar commerciële landbouw verboden is.
De streek is een toeristische trekpleister van Noord-Californië en staat bekend als wandelgebied. Het Bear Valley Trail is het populairste wandelpad. Er zijn ook veel strandwandelingen mogelijk. Point Reyes is bovendien het westelijke uiteinde van Amerika's enige transcontinentale wandelpad, het American Discovery Trail. Ook zeekajakken en vogelen zijn populaire activiteiten.
De Point Reyes National Seashore grenst in het zuidoosten aan de Golden Gate National Recreation Area, alsook aan het kleine Tomales Bay State Park aan weerszijden van de Tomales-baai.

  1. 1 Geologie
  2. 2 Fauna en flora
    1. 2.1 Flora
    2. 2.2 Fauna
  3. 3 Externe links


  • Must visit place in Bay Area. Scenic drive till the endpoint near the lighthouse (which was closed when we visited). Beautiful views of the ocean. Can stop at many places in between for panoramic views.

    a week ago
  • This is one of the most beautiful places in Marin County. The views are spectacular, and the fog always offers a great atmosphere. I definitely recommend Point Reyes as a stop on your vacation.

    a week ago
  • Easy access for families to a beautiful beach. Bathrooms right near the parking area for easy use going and coming 😉. We had small kids who easily walked down and back...and lots of space to spread out. The road to and from is windy so be aware of those who might get car sick but it is a lovely drive. Well worth adding this to your list of great places in California!

    a month ago
  • Nice place with typical great California Ocean views to get away from the city. We were there to see Alamere Falls along the Palomarin Trail (Coastal Trail). It was fantastic. Easy to follow trail which goes inland for a bit where there’s a couple of small lakes & some ponds. Would definitely go again and maybe even camp at Wildcat Camp. Highly recommend.

    3 weeks ago
  • There are 2 small overlook trail towards the lighthouse. One can goes towards the overlook for sealions, and the other one to the extreme end of the cactus trail. The trails has amazing overlook points and one can just sit and enjoy the breeze :) Stay safe of the rodent holes throughout the hike :)

    2 weeks ago
  • It's amazing. And windy.

    6 days ago
  • One of the best places near the bay area to visit for some gorgeous hikes and view. Strongly recommended. Lot of poison oak in a lot of hiking trails, so better have long pants and shirts just to be safe.

    2 months ago
  • One of the most beautiful and incredible drives you will ever take. I’d say this drive feels and looks a lot like Ireland. So much wind. Huge views as far as you can see. Absolutely worth the time!

    a month ago

Point Reyes National Seashore

➴ Coordinates: 38° 3‘ N, 122° 51‘ W
12. März 2025
N/A °
N/A k/h
N/A km