File:Denali_Mt_McKinley.jpg File:Cassin_Ridge.JPG File:Denali_from_McKinley_Princess_pano.jpg File:Reflection_in_Wonder_Lake.jpg File:Denali-from-reflection-pond.jpg File:Wonder_Lake_and_Denali.jpg File:Denali3.jpg File:Stuck.Karstens.jpg File:Denali_high_camp.jpg File:2012-ATB-Quarters-Unc-Denali.jpg File:McKinelyWestbuttress.jpg File:Mount_Mckinley_3D.gif File:Mount_McKinley_and_Denali_National_Park_Road_2048px.jpg File:Mount_McKinley_Shrouded_2048px.jpg File:Ice_Sheets_on_Mt._Denali.jpg File:Mt._McKinley,_Denali_National_Park.jpg File:McKinleyPan_Cropped.jpg File:HudsonStuck.jpg File:Mount_McKinley_Alaska.jpg File:10-10-23,_mount_mckinley_-_panoramio.jpg
Source: Wikipedia


Denali (w latach 1896–2015 Mount McKinley; 6190 m n.p.m.) – najwyższy szczyt Ameryki Północnej (co zapewnia mu miejsce w Koronie Ziemi), położony w górach Alaska, na terenie Parku Narodowego Denali w Stanach Zjednoczonych.
Góra ta zbudowana jest ze skał krystalicznych (głównie granitów i łupków krystalicznych). Jej masyw jest stale pokryty śniegiem i lodowcami, a największy z nich – o długości ok. 50 km – to lodowiec Muldrow. Względem otaczających go dolin występuje u jego stoków jedna z największych deniwelacji na świecie – ponad 5500 metrów (dla porównania Mount Everest ma około 3700 metrów wysokości względnej). Ciśnienie na szczycie odpowiada ciśnieniu na wysokości 6900 m n.p.m. na terenach bliżej równika. Na szczycie notuje się bardzo niską temperaturę powietrza (do −60 °C) oraz wiatr o prędkości dochodzącej do 160 km/h.
W 1952 wyznaczono wysokość góry na 6193 m n.p.m. Wynik ten został zrewidowany w 2015, dzięki użyciu technologii GPS. Najwyższy szczyt mierzy 6190 m n.p.m.

  1. 1 Nazwa
  2. 2 Zdobycia szczytu
  3. 3 Przypisy


  • Denali is a magical place , leave your lower 48 expectations behind and behold a gem in America’s last frontier .

    a week ago
  • Amazing place I landed here with k2 aviation Really worth doing it Unforgettable experience

    2 months ago
  • such a beautiful place to visit!

    a month ago
  • During my 10day trip to Alaska I covered over 2000 miles of Interior Alaska, a number of villages and cities with my tour group. Some to include Anchorage, Denali, Valdez, Fairbanks, Seward, talkeetna, etc we traveled by bus, boat rides to fjords and glaciers, stoped at national parks and saw monuments and cultural recreations and museums. We ate at different restaurants, hiked the Denali mountain trails, had close encounters with the Alaskan wildlife and ended up 200 miles from the Arctic circle. We panned for gold and saw mammoth bones learned about the natives and their culture and had a blast. Please visit Alaska pictures are my own and some Courtesy of our tour driver taken during our trip.

    4 weeks ago
  • Wonderful vacation! Really enjoyable!

    4 days ago
  • The rangers throughout the park were knowledgable and friendly. I stayed at the Teklanika camp ground for 3 nights which was an amazing experience. The restrooms are clean and there are multiple different trails to hike with entrances from the camp site. If you prefer a nice afternoon walk, there is a gravel road you can use leading further into the park.

    2 months ago
  • I lost my chance when I lost my leg. So beautiful! I'm not a flatlander! Please go for me? 💙

    a week ago
  • Absolutely incredible. My wife and I spent a few days in Denali on a trip to Alaska on our 20 year anniversary. It’s an amazing place. The views and wildlife are incredible. We saw a large herd of caribou on a bus ride through the park. We also did a plane tour on a prop plane and landed on a glacier.

    4 months ago


➴ Coordinates: 63° 4‘ N, 151° 0‘ W
16. September 2024
N/A °
N/A k/h
N/A km