File:FvfNEAurora8065_27.JPG File:Pithecophaga_jefferyi.jpg File:Philippine_duck.jpg File:Philippine_Hawk-eagle.jpg
Source: Wikipedia

Park Narodowy Aurora Memorial (Aurora Memorial National Park)

Park Narodowy Aurora Memorial – park narodowy położony na Filipinach, w regionie Luzon Środkowy, w prowincjach Aurora oraz Nueva Ecija, na wyspie Luzon. Zajmuje powierzchnię 5676 ha.
Park został założony w 1937 roku. Głównymi ekosystemami w parku są nizinne lasy deszczowe oraz górskie lasy i zarośla. Występują tu także obszary użytków rolnych (w tym pola ryżowe) oraz małe osiedla wiejskie. Położony jest na wysokości od 200 do 1000 m n.p.m.

  1. 1 Położenie
  2. 2 Flora i fauna
  3. 3 Klimat
  4. 4 Turystyka
  5. 5 Przypisy


  • jen

    Not the best way to take going to Baler by this time or during rainy season due to possible danger of landslide. The roads are on repair when we passed by,one very rough drive..(it's the route that wazed showed us) . And if you are planning to take this route, be prepared coz there are only few small shops ( sari- sari stores) to buy food just in case you get hungry or thirsty on the way. And make sure your fuel is enough to travel this 50+ km, your vehicle is in great condition and of course your body as well. There's a lot of zigzag so, those people that tends to get dizzy must prepare too . The good thing we've experienced passing this place is we enjoyed peace and quiet driving and the beautiful nature around.

    2 years ago
  • The best rainforests, state of the art roads,Nature at its best another historical sites,Dona Aurora Memorial marker and the recreational facility of President Manuel Quezon A must to experience, soon to be a tourist destination.

    3 years ago
  • Such a nice place to breathe and learn about the history

    3 years ago
  • Conservation of natural resources and old road connection Aurora and Nueva Ecija Provinces. Green and natural

    2 years ago
  • Good, with a big balete tree

    a year ago
  • Still virgin forest. Hope so... riders paradise..

    2 years ago
  • Drove by on 29th December 2018. I couldn't find any recent reviews about passing thru this road as i was always curious. We asked the locals in Baler the road conditions and if it is safe for us to pass. They would all say the roads are very good but advise us to avoid as it recently rained. We followed our instincts and to our surprise the road is 99% concrete and there only like a few cars that we have seen thru almost 100kms of road. It was twisty all the way but the views are spectacular. There are some signa of rockslides and i advise to avoid during heavy rains. Always use the low gear to have better control of your car. A great drive indeed!

    3 years ago
  • I love this place...

    2 years ago

Park Narodowy Aurora Memorial

➴ Coordinates: 15° 35‘ N, 121° 24‘ E


23. Februar 2025
N/A °
N/A k/h
N/A km