File:Logo_of_the_United_States_National_Park_Service.svg File:Half_Dome_with_Eastern_Yosemite_Valley_(50MP).jpg File:Karte_Yosemite-Nationalpark.png File:Yosemite_Valley_with_Half_Dome_in_the_distance.jpg File:Panoramic_Overview_from_Glacier_Point_over_Yosemite_Valley_2013_Alternative.jpg File:Yosemite_USA.JPG File:Granit_Yosemite_CA.jpg File:Tunnel_View,_Yosemite_Valley,_Yosemite_NP_-_Diliff.jpg File:California_quarter,_reverse_side,_2005.jpg File:Hetch_Hetchy_Reservoir.jpg File:Sequoiadendron_giganteum_08145.JPG File:Mule_Deer_at_Clearwater_Pass_2.jpg File:Yose_veg_zonesm.jpg File:Steller's_Jay_Yosemite.jpg File:Spermophilus_lateralis_002.jpg File:Yellow_star_thistle.jpg File:Saint_John's_wort_flowers.jpg File:Half_dome_yosemite_nationalpark-2.jpg File:Yosemite_Falls.jpg
Source: Wikipedia

Park Narodowy Yosemite (Yosemite National Park)

Park Narodowy Yosemite [joʊˈsɛmɨtiː] (ang. Yosemite National Park) – park narodowy położony w USA, w środkowej Kalifornii, na zachodnich zboczach gór Sierra Nevada. Park zarządzany jest przez National Park Service (Służba Parków Narodowych) i zajmuje powierzchnię ok. 3030 km² (747 956 akrów). Każdego roku jest odwiedzany przez przeszło 3,6 miliona turystów, przy czym większość z nich spędza swój czas na obszarze Doliny Yosemite o powierzchni ok. 18 km². W 1984 r. park został wpisany na Listę światowego dziedzictwa UNESCO. Jest najbardziej znany ze względu na granitowe urwiska, wodospady, czyste potoki, skupiska mamutowców olbrzymich (sekwoi) oraz różnorodność biologiczną. Ponad 95% powierzchni parku stanowią tereny nieprzekształcone w znacznym stopniu przez człowieka.

Wysokości na terenie parku wahają się od 648 do 3997 m n.p.m. Wyróżnia się tutaj pięć stref roślinności ( chaparral oraz strefę alpejską). Spośród ok. 7000 gatunków roślin, występujących w Kalifornii, połowa pojawia się na terenie gór Sierra Nevada, a ok. 20% na obszarze Parku Narodowego Yosemite. Jest to siedlisko dla ok. 160 gatunków zagrożonych.

  1. 1 Podstawowe wiadomości
  2. 2 Historia
  3. 3 Skały
  4. 4 Wody
  5. 5 Geologia
  6. 6 Flora Parku Narodowego Yosemite
  7. 7 Fauna Parku Narodowego Yosemite
  8. 8 Przypisy
  9. 9 Zobacz też
  10. 10 Linki zewnętrzne


  • Tim

    Beautiful views everywhere you look. If you go early the crowds aren’t too bad. We didn’t have to wait in line going in early but saw some long lines on our last day when we left the park around noon.

    a week ago
  • Such a beautiful park and so much to see. Exited through the east and wish I would have spent some time that way! Some waterfalls and lakes are seasonal so mind that if you go there in the summer. Mirror lake was not there in mid August! So much to see and hike though!

    a week ago
  • Stunning 🤩 just amazing. Would love to stay there forever. Perfect park to spend time with friends and family.

    3 days ago
  • Gorgeous National Park! Yosemite Valley is stunning but make sure you go to Glazier Point. The view looking down at Yosemite Valley and seeing El Capitan and Half Dome is worth the trip. If you want to travel but are afraid of getting Covid hit up a National Park. Go during the week and there isn't much of a crowd. My wife and I went to Kings Canyon and Sequoia National Park's as well. A great trip!

    a day ago
  • Yosemite National Park is absolutely beautiful being so close to a major metropolitan center like San Francisco / Silicon Valley makes this park very accessible to a very large population. While it is an incredibly beautiful park it is not the best in terms of the amount of people who come to visit. I will say this is without a doubt one of America’s most beautiful spaces it should be visited during times when there are the least amount of people. I will give a more in-depth review but encouraging people to visit this park might be environmentally concerning when it’s already so popular.

    a week ago
  • Beautiful park. Made it into the valley this time and enjoyed the Yosemite Falls hike. Was impressed by the shop and restaurant facilities available in the valley. Enjoyed the drive from Lee Vining, so many beautiful places to stop along the way. You don't even need to go into the valley to enjoy beautiful hikes or clear water.

    a month ago
  • One of the best experiences I’ve had in my life. I travelled to California just to experience this moment. Words can not explain the beauty of this National Treasure. I encourage you to visit and experience the picturesque scenery of this place. My only wish is I could visit Yosemite again and spend days navigating through its marvels. This is one off my bucket list.

    3 weeks ago
  • The park is beautiful! It would be nice if there were signs indicating how far to your destination along the drive. But, we had an amazing time and the pictures look like a painting! Absolutely beautiful!

    a month ago

Park Narodowy Yosemite

➴ Coordinates: 37° 51‘ N, 119° 32‘ W
23. Februar 2025
N/A °
N/A k/h
N/A km