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Source: Wikipedia

Glacier National Park (Glacier National Park (U.S.))

Glacier nationalpark ligger i den amerikanske stat Montana, og grænser til de canadiske provinser Alberta og Britisk Columbia. Som en del af Waterton Glacier International Peace Park har nationalparken 26 tilbageværende gletsjere og 130 navngivne søer under de høje Rocky Mountains-bjergtinder. Der er historiske hoteller og en spektakulær vej i området med hastigt tilbagetrækkende gletsjere. Bjergene, som er dannet af en forkastning, har verdens bedste sedimetære forsteninger fra proterozoikumæraen.

Parken er hjemsted for mere end 1.000 forskellige plantearter og hundredvis af dyrearter. Dette store, uberørte økosystem spreder sig over 4.101 km² og er midtpunktet i, hvad der ofte kaldes "det kontinentale økosystems krone", en region bestående af beskyttede områder på tilsammen 44.000 km². Den berømte Going-to-the-Sun Road går gennem parken med udsigt over bjergkæderne Lewis og Livingston, skove, alpin tundra, vandfald og store søer. Den storslåede vejstrækning er filmet i åbningsscenen i The Shining, og noget af optagelsen anvendt i Ridley Scotts Blade Runner i den lykkelige afslutning. Going-To-The-Sun Road ses også i et glimt i Forrest Gump.Glacier nationalpark har over 350 steder på National Register of Historic Places.
Nationalparken grænser til Waterton Lakes National Park i Canada, og sammen er de kendt som Waterton-Glacier internationale fredspark. Begge parkerne står opført på verdensarvslisten.

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  • Wow. Truly breathtaking. My absolutely most favorite park, ever. There are not enough pictures that could describe the beauty this park holds and is. There are so many waterfalls, hiking trails, and gorgeous scenery, that you can spend a week here easily. The west side of the park looks like the pictures, and the east is a bit more dry, but still gorgeous. Very highly recommend. If you don’t want to pay the park fees, you can enter before and after hours as well! (Check their website if they are still doing this) At the top, there is a very popular trail, but the parking lot is very full quickly, so be prepared to go very early or after hours if you want yo get a good parking spot. They do not allow dogs on trails though, so keep that in mind if you travel with yours. Overall amazing park and experience.

    4 days ago
  • Glacier National Park was worth the 6 hour flight, wow is it amazing. I've seen it in winter and in summer now, this is a place I can keep coming back to every year and never have enough. We will definitely be back in the summer.

    3 days ago
  • Glacier has to be one of the most beautiful places on earth! The lakes are crystal clear, the air is brisk and clean and there are mountains as far as thee eye can see!! Highly recommend the hike up to Avalanche Lake!

    2 weeks ago
  • It is one of the most amazing parks that I have ever been to!!! I was there at a very beautiful time of summer, and I was absolutely amazed!!! There is nothing quite like Glacier! With it’s many cool water falls and the rocky/green mountain slopes! And I got to experience close up wild life along the hiking trial! It is just a matter of time before my next trip there!

    a month ago
  • M

    Just an unbelievably beautiful park. If you enjoy cross-country skiing this is a great place for winter stops. Can’t wait to return!

    a week ago
  • Amazing park. November is off season for this place and a lot of roads/hikes closed or unacceptable. But those which are open are astonishing! Truly recommend 👌

    a month ago
  • Truly takes your breath away, my favorite national park. Highly recommend the highline trail, hidden lake, grinnel glacier, and iceberg lake in either August or September. Bear spray and lots of water and snacks recommended.

    a week ago
  • Have been here twice now, and will be back soon. Lots of beauty in GNP. Even at busy months you can get away from people. Great place to see mountains, lakes, wildlife and catch some clean air. People worry a lot about bears, but the cold water is a bigger threat. Just don’t surprise and/or harass the bears and they’ll leave you alone. I have encountered goats, moose, and bears hearing during each of my visits, never had an issue. Before you go, always plan ahead. Check the weather & check trail information. One day along the trail the weather went from a sunny warm day to snow. Then, when we thought many glaciers or another trail was open, we found it was in fact closed. The weather can flip quickly, so be prepared. Trails can close due to bears and other times due to late season road repairs or early season snow. Snow check before you go

    3 months ago

Glacier National Park

➴ Coordinates: 48° 45‘ N, 113° 47‘ W
18. Oktober 2024
N/A °
N/A k/h
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