File:Logs_in_Petrified_Forest_National_Park.jpg File:Logo_of_the_United_States_National_Park_Service.svg File:Petrified_forest_log_2_md.jpg File:Painted_Desert10.jpg File:Blue_Mesa_Painted_Desert.jpg File:Petrified_Forest_Tepees.jpg File:Petrified_tree_in_Petrified_Forest.jpg File:Petrified_Forest_Stamm.jpg File:Painted_Desert_badlands_Tawa_Point.jpg File:Fossilized_wood_at_Petrified_Forest.jpg File:Puerco_Pueblo_ruins.jpg File:Lith_side_wash_petroglyphs_1.jpg File:Lithodendron_wash_PEFO.jpg File:Route_66_car_petrified_forest.jpg File:Tiponi_Point_at_sunset.jpg File:USA_June1997_Petrified-Forest_Lizard-on-trunk_Arizona.jpg File:Western_Meadowlark.jpg File:Navajo_Reservation,_Painted_Desert,_Petrified_Forest_National_Park,_and_Adamana_AZ_aerial.jpg File:Afternoon_at_Agate_Bridge.jpg
Source: Wikipedia

Petrified-Forest-Nationalpark (Petrified Forest National Park)

Der Petrified-Forest-Nationalpark ist ein Nationalpark der Vereinigten Staaten im Nordosten Arizonas. Der Park gehört zum südlichen Colorado-Plateau und der Painted Desert, einer Wüste auf rund 1800 m über dem Meer. Er bewahrt geologisch bemerkenswertes Sedimentgestein der Obertrias mit einer Vielzahl an Fossilien. Im Gebiet liegen ausgedehnte Fundstätten von verkieseltem Holz, daher der Name „Versteinerter Wald“.
Am 8. Dezember 1906 wurde ein Teil der Fundstätten als National Monument unter Schutz gestellt, 1932 kam ein Teil der Painted Desert dazu, das Schutzgebiet umfasste seitdem eine Fläche rund 378 km². Der Kongress der Vereinigten Staaten stufte das Gebiet 1962 zum Nationalpark auf. 1970 wurden etwas mehr als die Hälfte der damaligen Fläche unter den erweiterten Schutz eines Wilderness Areas gestellt. Seit 2004 läuft ein Programm zur Erweiterung des Parkgebietes auf 885 km². Benachbarte Flächen anderer Bundesbehörden sollen dem Nationalpark übertragen werden, private Grundstücke werden angekauft, wenn Mittel verfügbar sind. Am 30. Januar 2008 wurde der Petrified-Forest-Nationalpark in die Tentativliste zur Nominierung für das UNESCO-Welterbe aufgenommen. Im September 2011 wurden rund 105 km² einer angekauften Ranch dem Park hinzugefügt.

  1. 1 Überblick
  2. 2 Sehenswürdigkeiten
  3. 3 Geologie
    1. 3.1 Allgemeine Übersicht
    2. 3.2 Stratigraphische Beschreibung
    3. 3.3 Entstehungsgeschichte
  4. 4 Geschichte
    1. 4.1 Besiedlung
    2. 4.2 Gewerbliche Nutzung
  5. 5 Einzelnachweise
  6. 6 Literatur
  7. 7 Weblinks


  • You want to see true beauty? Go here. We drove about 15 miles into the park and it was one exquisite sight after another. Be warned they do not take cash at the gate. You will need a card. Our fee was 25$. The price was well worth the experience and I’d pay it again in a heart beat.

    a week ago
  • What a fantastic national park to visit that is dog friendly. It is geared towards road touring as you drive from spot to spot and take short hikes to explore each area or viewing point. The roads were in great condition and generally most of the larger sites had restrooms available. It was really majestic place to visit to see all the petrified wood and the painted canyon. I highly recommend folks check it out. There isn't a lot of tree cover or shade so make sure to have sunscreen and have plenty of water.

    a week ago
  • We had a lot of fun here. They recently extended the hours of the park until 6:30 of you enter by 5. I would recommend more time that just an hour and a half though! Tons to see and do. Get the Navajo tacos at the visitor center before entering the park! They close at 4 so keep that in mind

    a week ago
  • Cool, unexpected pet friendly stop along I-40! You drive through the park and can pull over at all sorts of turn-outs and viewpoints. There isn't much hiking or walking involved, but you get to see a varied landscape of different rocks!

    3 days ago
  • Very light traffic, not many visitors. Just seeing all the petrified trees peaks your interest to learn more about them and what the area was like 200 million plus years ago. Amazing.

    a week ago
  • This is great drive-through park. You could do hikes but we just made multiple stops at the scenic overlooks and spent about an hour and a 1/2 in the park and that was great.

    a week ago
  • The painted desert North portion of the park is spectacular for its colorful overlooks. The many views and short walks from the pullouts in the Southern part of the park through the petrified trees are intriguing and amazing just thinking about what the area must have looked like millions of years ago when it was densely forested.

    2 weeks ago
  • There are a lot of different things to see in this park. Beware stops can be crowded and not all tourist are polite. We chose some of the spots less crowded and they did not disappoint. No trip is complete without the purchase of a piece of petrified wood. We skipped the park for this and stopped at the Rainbow Rock Shop in Holbrook.

    2 weeks ago


➴ Coordinates: 35° 0‘ N, 109° 47‘ W
23. Februar 2025
N/A °
N/A k/h
N/A km