File:Chiesa_di_San_Francesco_-_San_Marino.JPG File:SanMarino2017-10Cent.png File:Chiesa_di_San_Francesco_June_2016_2.jpg
Source: Wikipedia

Iglesia de San Francisco (San Marino) (Chiesa di San Francesco (San Marino))

La Iglesia de San Francisco (en italiano: Chiesa di San Francesco ) es una iglesia católica situada en la Ciudad de San Marino, en el país del mismo nombre.[1]​
El convento y la iglesia adyacente se basaron inicialmente en Murata, cerca de la ciudad de San Marino, pero más tarde el Papa Clemente VII concede la mudanza de la iglesia y el convento a la ciudad de San Marino, porque en Murata había peligro de las incursiones de la Casa de Malatesta.
La construcción fue iniciada en 1351 y terminada hacia el 1400.

  1. 1 Referencias


  • Interesting that the temple was turned into a catholic place of baptism. Faunt now has money in it.

    2 years ago
  • a dead Christ with St. Francis and Apollonia. On each vault are newer frescos representing different saints. It is a very modest interior, well lighted. The exterior is constructed of sandstone blocks with a cloister and a quadrangular bell tower. Four columns, resting on two walls, support the porch roof. There is a single arched entry portal.

    3 years ago
  • This single nave church, built in 1361, has a 14th century cross in the apse from the original church. On the altar is a painting from the 15th century depicting a dead Christ with St. Francis and Apollonia. On each vault are newer frescos representing different saints. It is a very modest interior, well lighted. The exterior is constructed of sandstone blocks with a cloister and a quadrangular bell tower. Four columns, resting on two walls, support the porch roof. There is a single arched entry portal.

    3 years ago
  • V

    We only came inside here because we had the multi-museum pass otherwise I don't think it's worth it. There are some religious artefacts and paintings here and also a very bizarre temporary exhibition by an artist painting himself in various poses (including looking crazed and naked crouching on a bed!)

    4 years ago
  • Good can grant you a wish here, but only one.

    3 years ago
  • Historic, important, excellent!

    3 years ago
  • Quaint community church just outside San Marino's centro storico.

    3 years ago
  • Beautiful way to enter the city/republic

    5 years ago

Iglesia de San Francisco (San Marino)

➴ Coordinates: 43° 56‘ N, 12° 26‘ E
6. Juli 2024
N/A °
N/A k/h
N/A km